Connecticut Faith Leaders Collaborative (CFLC)

Who We Are?
The 18 member CT Faith Leaders Collaborative includes the Senior appointed or elected leaders of CT’s Baptist, Congregational, Episcopal, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, Muslim, Assemblies of God, and Pentecostal Houses of Worship as well as Independent Hispanic and African-American Congregations and Councils of Churches whose collective houses of worship, including at large members, a number well over 1,400, whose membership is in the Millions and whose constituent service and ministry recipients are literally countless. We reside in every County and Municipality in the Nutmeg State. CFLC uses our collective and collaborative influence to impact Local, Regional and National policy, legislation, programs, and practices tactically and strategically in areas including, but not limited to Social, Economic, and Racial Justice, addressing issues focusing on underserved citizens and communities.
What We Seek?
Our Purpose is to tactically and strategically impact Local, Regional and National policy, legislation, programs and practices in areas including, but not limited to Social, Economic and Racial Justice, addressing issues focusing on underserved citizens and communities by our collective and collaborative influence.
What We Have Done?
God has graced the Connecticut Faith Leaders Collaborative, empowering the group to impact several key areas in our state and nation through our collaborative work. Selected activities and noteworthy accomplishments of CFLC are: –
- Successfully supported the most comprehensive social and civil justice legislation on law enforcement in the United States,
- Led and continue to cover and lead our State through open, collaborative, and impactful ecumenical and cross-cultural prayer events and activities,
- Successfully engaged CT Governor and state Re-opening committee to co-author Covid-19 reopening guidelines for CT Houses of Worship,
- Worked collaboratively to effectively safeguard Faith Community 2nd and 14th Amendment Rights,
- Led and continue to lead our congregations and communities to one of the most effective Covid-19 response and mitigation outcomes in the United States,
- Served as Prototype for the launch of the National Faith Leaders Collaborative
- Conducted Statewide Town Hall Meetings on Racial and Social Justice and Issues of Socio-Economic Equity, Inclusion, and Equality
- Continue to represent communities and constituents as members of CT’s State Covid Long Term Recovery Committee