(203) 549-8703 info@faithandresults.com

Partnering Agencies

  • Faith-Based Leaders & Organizations
  • National Insurance Carriers
  • National, Regional & Local Financial Institutions
  • NW Financial Corporation
  • Participating Pharmacies

Program Details

The Health Program helps individuals and organizations provide much needed health and wellness insurance solutions to better serve their communities at an affordable price. The Centerpiece of the program is the “FREEDOM Health” platform, which allows National, Regional and Local organizations and businesses to offer affordable health insurance and insurance alternatives to their members and/or employees. FREEDOM Health accesses a national health care network that offers affordable health care coverage for individuals and families across the country and in your local neighborhood. This is made possible through a collaboration with highly-recognized and credible organizations that provide coverage to Americans seeking affordable options across the country.

Program Goals

The program offers the chance to establish and/or enhance existing community service by:

Providing affordable comprehensive insurance and alternative coverage plans that are widely used to match each persons needs.

Providing multiple plan options based on affordability.

Providing job/entrepreneurship opportunities for individuals.

Providing job/entrepreneurship opportunities for individuals that are interested in becoming a licensed representative to help market the program.